The Stress Bucket Analogy is a great way to understand your energy budget and what’s weighing you down.
As humans, life consists of so many different moving parts. In our daily lives, we often find ourselves juggling multiple responsibilities, racing against deadlines, and managing various challenges.
Under these conditions, it’s no wonder that stress can quickly accumulate and send your nervous system into a state of chaos, leaving us feeling overwhelmed and mentally drained. If you suffer from anxiety and/or depression, this can make things even harder.
To better understand and manage this stress, I make use of the stress bucket model (there’s also a free printable stress bucket PDF worksheet for you to use).
What is the Stress Bucket Analogy?
I was first introduced to the Stress Bucket by a physiotherapist when I was struggling with chronic pain. At the time, I found it to be an incredibly useful way to understand where I was spending all my energy..
Now, whenever I get overwhelmed, I take a step back and look at my stress bucket and where I’m spending my energy.
Stress Bucket Model Simply Explained
Imagine that your mind and body are like a bucket, and this bucket has a limited capacity to hold stress. This is your “Stress Bucket.”
Throughout the day, various stressors, both big and small, fill this bucket. These stressors can be anything from work-related pressures and financial concerns to personal worries and daily hassles. When your bucket gets too full, things become more and more overwhelming. The bucket gets heavier and more challenging to carry around.
And when things get really bad, your bucket can even overflow. It’s like saying, “I’ve got too much on my plate”. Ideally, you never want to get to the point where you’ve got an overflowing bucket. This is where things like panic attacks, breakdowns and burnout thrive.
What Fills Your Bucket?
Ask yourself, how full is your bucket? Are you feeling on top of things or are you overwhelmed? Where are your stress levels at?
To understand what fills your Stress Bucket, it’s essential to recognize the various stressors in your life.
These stressors trigger your body’s “fight or flight” trauma response, a natural survival mechanism that mobilizes your body’s resources to deal with perceived threats. While this response is helpful in emergencies, it spends your body’s energy and resources.
Try to determine what makes you stressed and how much of your energy it’s taking up. This could be work, busy schedules, mindless habits, driving, making ends meet or even social situations. If you prevent feeling your feelings, this also ends up filling your bucket.
What Empties Your Bucket?
Think about what brings you joy. What makes you feel lighter? When are you not stressed?
Just as stressors fill your Stress Bucket, certain activities and practices can help empty it. This process is often referred to as the “rest and digest” response. When you engage in activities that promote relaxation, such as mindfulness, deep breathing, meditation, engaging in something playful, or spending quality time with loved ones, you replenish your body’s energy resources.
In my life, attending yoga classes plays a huge role in emptying my bucket. But so does reading, dancing and painting. Take some time to figure out what destresses you and then focus on making time for that. If you feel your bucket overflowing, making time for these activities is even more important.
The Importance of Monitoring Your Stress Bucket
Using a stress model can be really useful for unpacking your stress and learning more about how you work. We have to be mindful about how we’re using our energy, otherwise we can end up in adrenal fatigue (more commonly known as burnout).
When we’re doing what we love and what feeds us, we’re emptying our bucket and becoming lighter. On the other hand, when we are doing what we don’t want to do – the wrong things for us – we waste precious energy and overload our bucket.
It’s important to be mindful of what activities, places and people give us energy and empty our bucket, and which of those that drain our energy and make our bucket heavier.
You’ll need to put boundaries in place and make a decision about what you can say no to, and where you can ask for help.
When your Stress Bucket overflows, it can lead to various physical and emotional symptoms, including anxiety, fatigue, and even physical health issues. By monitoring the contents of your Stress Bucket, you can take proactive steps to prevent it from overflowing.
Printable Stress Bucket Worksheet PDF
To help you apply the Stress Bucket Analogy to your life, I’ve created a printable Stress Bucket Worksheet in PDF format. This stress worksheet allows you to assess your daily stressors and identify activities that fill or empty your Stress Bucket.
Think about your last week. Make a list of everything that happened, the things you did, people you saw and places you went. Then think about which of those things gave you energy and made you feel lighter, as well as those that made things harder and drained energy from you.
Feel free to download and use this stress analogy worksheet to gain a better understanding of your stressors and develop strategies for maintaining a balanced Stress Bucket.
Managing Our Stress Buckets
The Stress Bucket Analogy provides a simple yet powerful framework for understanding the impact of stress on your overall well-being. By recognizing what fills and empties your Stress Bucket, you can take proactive steps to manage stress more effectively and maintain a healthy balance.
Whenever I am in a space of overwhelm or even feeling hyperaroused, I look at what’s in my metaphorical bucket. I think about what I can let go of or what I can do to reduce my load. I’ll usually make a list and figure out what I need to be carrying with me, and what I can ask for help with, or set aside for when I have more energy.
Stress is a part of life, but it shouldn’t be controlling your life. With the right tools and strategies, you can better navigate your energy budget and master your anxiety.
Kathryn is the creator of Art of Anxiety. She was diagnosed with GAD and MDD at 16 and has been working every day to master the art of anxiety ever since. Her favorite things to do are aerial yoga and hanging out with her cats while reading a good book.